Roy Pinto: The numerical shortage in this match took us out of the tournament and I thank all the supporters

After the end of the Bahrain-Kuwait match in the third and final stage of the group stage for the second group within the twenty-fifth Arabian Gulf Cup, Khaleeji Zain 25, which ended in a 1-1 draw, a press conference was held for Kuwait coach Roy Pinto, who commented: “The match was complicated in its first half.” We achieved a draw before the end, we improved in the second half, we had a desire to win, and the numerical shortage affected us. We possessed the ball well in the middle, but we could not score. We played well against Qatar and the UAE, and the numerical shortage today took us out of the tournament.
And about the next stage: As you know, our national team is young. Our goal is to build a national team for the future. Yes, we are sad for not qualifying, but the tournament was important to contact stronger teams than us. We are working to build a team to serve Kuwaiti football, and we need support. I thank all the fans who supported us and believe that we will do a good job in the future. Our goal now is to properly prepare for the upcoming clashes and achieve good results. We changed the way we played, and everyone showed their respect to Kuwait.