Arwabarina: We have to forget the first game and Kuwait is a coherent team

At eleven o’clock in the morning, Iraq time, in the conference hall of the Manawi Pasha Hotel, a press conference was held for Arwabarina, coach of the UAE national team, to talk about the Emirates match tomorrow against the Kuwaiti national team, as part of the second round of confrontations for the second group hosted by the Olympic Port Stadium, and Arwabarina began saying: “Preparations were short, we did recovery, and we worked to correct the mistakes of the previous meeting to appear well during the next match.”

And about what the team lacks to win: I stated that the level was not good, there was a fighting spirit within 25 minutes, and later problems with positioning appeared, and I will not talk again about the past. The important thing now is to get up and work to change the image. The ambition is to write a new history with the Emirates, and the loss will make us work more.

On the impact of absences: Argentina won the World Cup with 19 new players. I have confidence in those present, and they are up to the responsibility. We give confidence to the locals, and I have conviction in them.

And about tomorrow’s squad and the condition of Fabio Lima, and whether he is ready to participate: As a coach, the formation cannot be revealed, but as the Kuwait coach is with us, Fabio is in the process of recovering, he may participate, and Majed Hassan suffered for a while and is receiving treatment, perhaps the two will be present in the meeting.

And about his assessment of the position of the two teams after losing the first meeting: “Kuwait has good players; they spread the ball well; they did not lose their focus even with the loss; we have to focus during the match; it will never be easy; we lacked organization after conceding the first goal, but is this related to the spirit of the players, winning?” It requires the availability of a group of things. Difficult moments require that we not be so bad. Federation officials know that we have ambition and will spare no effort. Now the focus is on working to achieve the desired results.

Player Khaled Al-Dhanhani said: “We turned the page on the last meeting, we know the importance of the next meeting, and we will do our best to win.”

And by asking Al-Dhanhani about dealing psychologically with the loss to overcome it, he said: “We have to record a history for ourselves; we are well prepared; the coach always gives us advice; and we will do our best to win.”

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