Before the start of the Gulf 25.. Jassim Yaqoub clung to the top scorers

A few days later, the Sons of the Gulf Championship, the Gulf 25, will start, which will be hosted by Basra, Iraq, after a long absence from the last hosting.
Prior to the launch of the upcoming Gulf Cup, Kuwaiti blue star Jassem Yaqoub still maintained his historical record as the top scorer for the Gulf Cup championships with 18 goals, followed by Saudi green star Majid Abdullah with 17 goals, then the historic scorer for Iraqi football Hussein Saeed with 16 goals, followed by Kuwaitis Jassim Al-Huwaidi and Faisal. Al-Dakhil scored 14 goals, then Qatari star Mansour Muftah scored 13 goals, followed by Kuwaitis Bader Al-Mutawa and Youssef Sweid with 12 goals.
While the Iraqi Hussein Saeed holds the record recorded in one tournament, after he scored 10 goals in the fifth tournament 1979, followed by Jassem Yaqoub with 9 goals in the fourth tournament 1976.
The following reviews the website of the Arab Gulf Cup Federation, the top scorers of the Gulf Cup tournaments since its inception in Bahrain in 1970:
Bahrain 1970: Kuwaitis Mohammed Masoud and Jawad Khalaf shared the title with 3 goals.
Saudi Arabia 1972: Saudi Saeed Ghorab won the title with 5 goals.
Kuwait 1974: Kuwaiti Jassim Yaqoub crowned it with 6 goals.
Qatar 1976: Kuwait’s top scorer, Jassem Yaqoub, won the title with 9 goals.
Iraq 1979: Iraqi Hussein Saeed won the title with 10 goals.
UAE 1982: Kuwaiti Youssef Sweid, Saudi Majed Abdullah, Emirati Salem Khalifa and Bahraini Ibrahim Zuwaid shared it with 3 goals.
Oman 1984: Iraqi Hussein Saeed returned to lead the scorers in the seventh round, with 7 goals.
Bahrain 1986: won by Emirati Fahd Khamis, with 6 goals.
Saudi Arabia 1988: Iraqi Ahmed Radi and Emirati Zuhair Bakhit shared 4 goals.
Kuwait 1990: Kuwaiti Mohammed Ibrahim won the title of top scorer in the tenth edition, with 5 goals.
Qatar 1992: The Qatari Mubarak Mustafa won the top scorer title with 3 goals.
UAE 1994: Qatari Mohammed Salem Al-Anzi crowned it, and succeeded in winning the top scorer title in the twelfth round, with 4 goals.
Oman 1996: Qatari Mohammed Salem Al-Enezi continued his brilliance to win the title of this edition with 4 goals.
Bahrain 1998: Kuwait’s top scorer, Jassem Al-Huwaidi, won the title with 9 goals.
Saudi Arabia 2002: Omani Hani Al-Dabit won the top scorer title in the fifteenth session with 5 goals.
Kuwait 2003: I went to Bahraini Talal Youssef with 5 goals.
Qatar 2004: Omani Imad Al Hosani, with 4 goals.
UAE 2007: Emirati Ismail Matar won the top scorer title in the eighteenth round, with 5 goals.
Oman 2009: Omani Hassan Rabie won it with 4 goals.
Yemen 2010: I went to the Kuwaiti Bader Al-Mutawa with 3 goals.
Bahrain 2013: Kuwaiti Abdul Hadi Khamis, Iraqi Younis Mahmoud and Emirati Ahmed Khalil shared it with 3 goals.
Saudi Arabia 2014: Emirati Ali Mabkhout crowned it with 5 goals.
Kuwait 2017: Qatari Al-Moez Ali, Bahraini Jamal Rashid, and Iraqis Ali Fayez and Ali Hosni shared it with two goals.
Qatar 2019 Ali Mabkhout 5 goals.