Meshary Al-Enezi in an interview with AGCFF: The absence of professionalism is the most important reason for the decline of Kuwaiti football… and we will return the blue to its usual place

<<< I owe thanks to my brother Abdullah, who noticed my talent and took great care of me until I arrived at the Kuwait Club
<<< Kuwaiti football faces some obstacles, which affected the level of our ranking internationally
<<< We watched how the fantastic organization of the Arab Cup was, and everyone is waiting for an exceptional World Cup
<<< The Saudi League is characterized by a different level and atmosphere, media strength and a different technical level
He is considered one of the best players of Kuwait Club and the first team. He excels at playing on the left side, whether in the center back or the wing. He succeeded in securing his place in the starting lineup of Kuwait and the first team. He is Meshary Al-Enezi, who will be hosted by the Arab Gulf Cup Federation during the coming lines in a dialogue in which he sheds light on his career with the ball, and the challenges facing the Kuwaiti Blue in the current period.
Q- Tell us about your beginnings with football?
My start with football at the professional level was 2007 in the junior stages of the Kuwait Club, until I reached the first team 4 seasons ago, and if I talk about that period, it is very satisfactory for me, during which I achieved achievements.
Q- What about the period before playing the ball? Who is aware of your footballing talent?
Before professional football, I played football like any child, and I owe thanks to my brother Abdullah, who noticed my talent and took great care of me, until I arrived at the Kuwait Club.
Q – During your extended career, God willing, who is the coach you owe the credit to?
Every coach I played under has a great credit for me. I learned, benefited and gained good things from everyone, and I don’t want to forget anyone, but the one who discovered me since I was young is Captain Julie.
Q- How do you evaluate the 4-season march with Kuwait?
A very good career, Kuwait is a big club, and its goal and ambition is always the title in any championship it plays. It is a unique feeling to be with a championship club, as it has achieved all the local titles with it.
Q – When did you start your international career?
My first international accession to the first team was in 2018, when Thamer Enad nominated me in the Asian Cup qualifiers, and the beginning was the meeting of Jordan in Oman, then the Gulf Cup (Gulf 24), in Qatar.
Q – Since you talked about Gulf 24, how do you evaluate the participation of the Kuwaiti Blue in the championship, which is the most crowned in its title?
We started the championship journey well, in front of a stubborn competitor, the Saudi brother, it was a strong match, we were the unfavorable party to win and we were able to respond to all the skeptics, but winning the match was not only our ambition, our goal was the title, we came out in the last meters against Bahrain in a match that was very strong but the Bahraini brother took advantage of some of our mistakes and won the semi-finals.
Q- How does Kuwait currently rank among the Gulf teams?
Everyone knows that in recent years, Kuwaiti football has faced some obstacles, which affected even the level of our international classification, and we are not used to this decline in our football, but every horse has a setback, and we are able to overcome all the obstacles and return the blue to its usual position.
Q – From your point of view, what are the main reasons for this decline?
The reasons are many, the first and most important of which is the absence of professionalism in Kuwait so far. Many countries now fully apply professionalism, and this is what we lack, and there are good signs, and with time things develop for the better.
Q- When will Kuwait reach the podium?
Very soon, we are optimistic. I wished to give a direct answer, but I will not anticipate events, only apply professionalism and improve sports conditions, and then you will see a strong team in a position worthy of the reputation of Kuwaiti football.
Q- Tell us about your feeling about Qatar hosting the World Cup as the first Arab country to host the World Cup?
A feeling of pride and pride for every Gulf country, we watched how the imaginary organization of the Arab Cup was, and everyone is waiting for an exceptional World Cup, Qatar excelled not only in the level of organization, but also the international facilities, they saw the medical and sports academies that bring all the world’s players from everywhere, Real Madrid, Paris Saint-Germain and others, even at the level of qualification at the Aspire Academy, I ask God all the success for Qatar, the pride of every Gulf and Arab. I expect a distinguished opening and a wonderful hosting.
Q – Who was nominated from the Arab teams to qualify from the group stage and continue the journey in the World Cup?
Although the Arab teams are at a good level, the competition is difficult, and despite that I cannot name a specific name that may appear as a black horse, especially in the presence of international teams with accumulated wealth in the championship.
Q – Do you think that one of the reasons for the boom in Saudi and Qatari football is the development of a prior strategy and building on it?
This is not one of the reasons, but the most important of them, the development of any team, and in the forefront of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, depends mainly on setting goals and setting plans to achieve them, and the development is tangible in Saudi and Qatari football. We were impressed with the performance and level in the World Cup qualifiers, which is the obvious result of a lot of work.
Q- What is the strongest league in the Gulf? And why?
Without a doubt, the Saudi League is characterized by a different atmosphere, media strength, and a different technical level on the field. The actual play is close to a large percentage, up to 60, from the level of the English Premier League and the Champions League, and this is one of the most important reasons that the Saudi League is at the forefront.
Q – Is it possible to add the number of Saudi League professionals for reasons of its strength?
Of course, and here I refer to our misconception in Kuwait that the application of professionalism and the increase in the number of professionals will negatively affect, but I see that the distinguished player can impose himself, whether the number of professionals is 5 or 7, the increase of professionals in the Saudi League has improved the rhythm of the competition imaginatively.
Q- Your ambition in the coming period at the level of the club and the national team?
Our ambition in the Kuwait Club has no limits. We seek to win the titles of the championships that we are playing, and we ask God for success. As for the team, there will be a different development and form during the coming period in a way that satisfies the Kuwaiti masses.
Q- Your message to the Kuwaiti public?
We cannot in any way give the Kuwaiti public their right. He hoped a lot during the Gulf Championship and was a strong supporter. My message now is to be patient with us a little, and I promise them in a short time they will see a different level, a strong league and a stronger team.