“Gulf clubs” at the “organizational” table of the Cooperation Council in Manama

The Football Organizing Committee of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, February 2, headed by the President of the Bahrain Football Association and the Chairman of the Committee, HE Sheikh Ali bin Khalifa bin Ahmed Al-Khalifa.
The meeting will be held at 11:00 am Bahrain local time via remote visual communication technology given the current circumstances.
HE Sheikh Ali bin Khalifa bin Ahmed Al-Khalifa will preside over the first meeting which will be held in the presence of all members of the committee, representatives of the Gulf federations, namely: the representative of the UAE Football Association Muhammad Hazzam Al-Dhaheri, the representative of the Saudi Football Association Dr. Khalid bin Abdulaziz bin Muqrin, the representative of the Oman Football Association Sheikh Hamad bin Hamdan Al-Maamari, the representative of the Qatar Football Association Sheikh Ahmed bin Hamad Al-Thani, and the representative of the Kuwait Football Association, Dr. Ahmed Saad Ajab Al-Azmi, in the presence of the Committee’s Secretary General Mirza Ahmed and Assistant Secretary General Ibrahim Al-Buainain.
The meeting will be devoted to discussing the program and activities of the committee for the current year 2021, the establishment of the Gulf Clubs Championship next July with the assembly system, and the preparation for the launch of the Gulf patrols, in addition to reviewing the members’ proposals for the coming period.