Shamil Kamel: Iraq will be ready for the Arab Gulf Cup 25

Dr. Shamil Kamel, a member of the executive office of the Arab Gulf Cup Football Association and vice-president of the normalization committee of the Iraqi Football Association, said: “Iraq has designated Basra to hold the next 25th Gulf Cup tournament. Basra has three stadiums, two of which have a capacity of more than 65,000 spectators, while the third’s capacity does not exceed 20,000 spectators, and there is the Mina Stadium which will be ready for the tournament and can accommodate 30,000 spectators.”
He added, “Basra has a great readiness to host sporting events. In addition to the hotels that will be inside the Sports City, there are also hotels in the city of high standards, all of which will be ready to receive the delegations participating in the tournament and its fans, and there are sufficient numbers of training fields within the Sports City.”
Kamel stressed that Iraq will be ready for this hosting, and said: “There is support from the Iraqi government and keenness to hold the championship, and there is great public interest awaiting this great event because of the great position of the tournament in the hearts of Iraqis, who will be the key to success and the ability to prepare. For the championship, Iraq had previously succeeded in organizing the championship, and all the tournaments that were held in Iraq were successful. ”
Kamel concluded: “Basra is a historic city, and its people love football. We are confident of our ability to succeed, God willing, and we value the brothers’ position through their support and their consensus on establishing the Gulf Arab 25 in Iraq, and we hope that we will be up to the confidence we have obtained.”